100 Days of Blogging: Day 100

It’s Day 100! I DID IT!!!

I’m so fucking glad to be done, y’all. I’m deeply proud of myself for sticking with this and making it to Day 100, but I’m also deeply exhausted. I’ve learned a ton about myself and my relationship to not only my writing, but my creativity in general. I’ve learned what I want, what I’m capable of, and what my limits are. 

And now I need a break. I’ve been mentioning it for weeks, but now that we’re at the end, it’s time to make it official: after posting this, I’ll be stepping away from social media and blogging until the end of July. I won’t be posting on Instagram or TikTok and I won’t be putting out any new blogs or articles until at least August 1st. I’ll be taking this time off to reevaluate my relationship to having an internet presence and determining how I’d like to share my writing moving forward. I’ll also be getting back to working on The Inklings and will have an announcement about how and what I’ll be sharing of that on August 1st

I’m not sure what my social media presence will look like when I return, but I have a good feeling it’s going to look a lot different than it has in the past. 

I’ll be focusing on making in-person connections and building local community this summer, and taking this break will help me have more emotional, mental, and social energy for the real world. I’ve been working pretty much full-time at the burger joint and while I’m enjoying it, it’s leaving me with far less time and energy for socialization. Being on social media and even writing and sharing these blog posts somehow feels energetically akin to socializing, so it’s been incredibly overwhelming for me to even start to think about how to be socially present in the real world lately. 

Thank you all for joining me on this journey. I feel like I have my creativity back and I feel confident in myself as a writer for the first time in my life. I just need to now spend some time sorting through what my future looks like — both in terms of my writing and in terms of all the things that make life worth living. 

So, until August 1st: thank you and goodbye!

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